236ae386 As part of our current project, we aim to optimize and improve our database schema to accommodate additional data. Today we’ll cover the most important aspect of our system: calculating the coin supply for each block height based on all transactions. In this article, we’ll look at how to achieve this goal using Python and MongoDB.
Understanding the offer of coins
Before delving into the solution, let’s take a quick look at what the volume of Ethereum coin issuance is. The total number of coins in circulation, also known as the “block reward”, has decreased over time due to a doubling event that occurs every 4 years. We will focus on calculating the remaining block rewards that can be extracted from the blockchain.
Data collection and preliminary processing
To calculate the coin supply at each block height, we need:
- Extract all transaction data from the Ethereum blockchain.
- Extract relevant information (block number, transaction hash, etc.) for each transaction.
- Calculate the remaining reward per block (ie, the number of coins remaining after the halving event).
To efficiently perform these tasks, we will use the MongoDB aggregation framework.
Python code
pimongo import
# Connect to our MongoDB database
client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
db = client["blockchain"]
collection = db["transactions"]
# Define request parameters
halving_interval = 4 * 24 * 60 * 60 # in seconds
min_block_height = 0
def calculate_coin_supply(block_number):
# Filtering transactions by block number and extracting the corresponding information
result = collection.find({
"blockNumber": {
"$gte": min_block_height,
"$lt": (block_number + halving_interval).toInt() # Calculate the height of the next block
# Initialize the remaining coins for each block
block_rewards = {}
# Transaction cycle and update of coin stock
for the resulting transaction:
hash = transaction["transactionHash"]
reward = calculate_reward(hash)
# Update or add block rewards to the dictionary
if block_number is missing in block_rewards:
block_rewards[block_number] = 0
block_rewards[block_number] += reward
return block_rewards
def calculate_reward(hash_transactions):
# Implement logic for extracting the current supply of coins (block reward) for each transaction hash
# For demonstration purposes, assume a predefined value
return 1000000000 # Replace with actual recovery logic
# Usage example
min_block_height = 0
block_rewards = calculate_coin_supply(min_block_height)
print("Remaining block rewards:")
for block_number, coins in sorted(block_rewards.items()):
print(f"Block {block_number}: {coins} монет")
This Python code snippet demonstrates the calculation of the coin supply at each block height for all transactions using the MongoDB aggregation framework. We define two functions: `calculate_coin_supply` and `calculate_reward`.
The function `calculate_coin_supply` goes through all transactions in the specified range, extracts the relevant information (block number) and updates or adds to the dictionary (`block_rewards`) the remaining coins for each block.
The `calculate_reward’ function is left unimplemented for demonstration purposes. You will need to replace this logic with your actual recovery mechanism to get the current coin supply (block reward) for each transaction hash.
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